Worker Discrimination At Asian Cup in Qatar

Empty seats, but still no room for migrant workers?
The majority of Qatar's immigrants, making up an estimated 70 per cent of the country's one million population (according to this piece at the Canadian site Maclean's), come from South Asia and work in either the domestic or the construction industries. The website reports that many workers are paid $2,200 per annum for 12-hour days, and

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    Russia 2018: Expect To Be Checked, Wherever You Go

    Grozny, 1995: key component to a Russian cycle of violence
    The deadly terrorist bomb attack on Moscow’s Domodedovo airport this week prompted domestic reactions as predictable as the rise of the morning sun. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin promised that state retribution was “inevitable”.  The head of the Russian Orthodox Church denounced it as “the horrifying scowl of sin”. And President Dimitry

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      Human Rights Watch 2011 Report – Russia

      The following are extracts from the Human Rights Watch 2011 World Report that pertain to the 2018 host of the FIFA World Cup, Russia. The full HRW report on Russia can be read here.

      Olympic spirit - workers' rights abused, property seized
      “In 2010 Russia demonstrated increased openness to international cooperation on human rights, but the overall human rights climate in the country remained

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        Human Rights Watch 2011 Report – Brazil

        More required reading at FIFA HQ
        The following are extracts from the Human Rights Watch 2011 World Report that pertain to the 2014 host of the FIFA World Cup, Brazil. The full HRW report on Brazil can be read here.

        “Most of Brazil's metropolitan areas are plagued by widespread violence perpetrated by criminal gangs and abusive police. Violence especially impacts low-income communities. There

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          Naked Flesh Disturbs Desires Of Russian Archpriest

          Some ideally dressed Russian women, yesterday
          In any country where human rights are under attack, you can always be sure that some religious authority will be waiting in the wings to exploit the climate of suppression and take the chance to tell people how they should be leading their lives. In the country of the 2018 World Cup, this has come in the form of the Russian Orthodox Church’s

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            Quote Of The Day - Sham Of Middle East Civil Rights Forum

            The people's will - coming soon to Qatar
            " 'The Arab foreign ministers,' as one prominent figure in the democracy-promotion world said to me, 'have learned from these meetings exactly how to thwart democracy, not how to help it.' The sessions have taught local leaders the dangers of Western-supported and genuinely autonomous NGOs, and regimes across the Arab world have cracked down on them.

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              Quote of the Week - Arch Puddington, Freedom House

              "Questions about freedom? Sorry, can't hear ya!"

              "It is often observed that a government that mistreats its people also fears its people. But authoritarian regimes will have a much freer hand to silence their domestic critics if there is no resistance from the outside world. Indeed, if the world’s democracies fail to unite and speak out in defense of their own values, despots will continue to

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                Nota de Falecimento.

                É com profundo pesar que a comunidade Juventina sente o falecimento do
                Sr. Helio da Maia Mafra,
                ocorrido no dia 14 de Janeiro.
                O corpo esta sendo velado na capela mortuária da Igreja São Sebastião
                da rua Iririú e o sepultamento ocorrerá no dia 15 as 10:00h. no cemitério
                São Sebastião do Iririú.
                Segundo conta o Sr. José Antonio da Silva, também conhecido como
                Zé Guarapa, o Sr. Hélio foi quem fez o gol do título da conquista do
                Campeonato da Primeira Divisão em 1964.
                No jogo Juventus 1 x 0 Aventureiro.
                Gol de cabeça.

                A nação Juventina agradece todos os feitos ao amigo Hélio Mafra.

                E a toda a família a diretoria do Juventus F.C.
                expressa nossos sentidos de condolência!

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                  Blatter Manages To Speak Sense On Human Rights In Qatar

                  Blatter - has he actually started thinking?
                  This is going to sound like the kind of thing we’d pretend FIFA President Sepp Blatter uttered in the name of satire. But he actually said it, to CNN. Yes, Blatter managed to address the issue of human rights without shoving his toes in his own maw. On the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, he said: “If the principles of human rights will not be respected, then

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                    ‘Tired’ England Ditches Thai Bribe

                    Joke team to skip joke fixture
                    The English Football Association has officially cancelled its national team’s friendly in Thailand this June because it has belatedly realised that its players need to rest, apparently. In fact the game was doomed the moment that England failed to win hosting rights to the 2018 World Cup, and they realised that their pledge to play in Thailand had failed to secure

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                      Russia’s Crowd Problem

                      Hint to players - don't get too close to the crowd.
                      Vast crowds of people will be a common phenomenon at the 2018 World Cup, but Russia is still having problems dealing with even the smallest of gatherings. So much, in fact, that it’s been jailing opposition leaders who have merely been gathering to exercise their lawful right to assemble.  
                      One of its more prominent opposition figures, Boris

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                        Mais Vila x Chácara.

                        Zecão, grande goleiro Juventino!

                        Agradecemos ao grande amigo Juventino e excepcional 
                        Jornalista Roberto Dias  Borba 
                        pela sensibilidade e gentileza de fornecer as fotos.

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                          Vila x Chácara

                          Por mais um ano o evento foi um sucesso!
                          Agradecemos muito a presença de todos!
                          União faz a força.

                          Time da Chácara.

                          Time da Vila.

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                            Quote of the Week – Prince Ali On Women’s Football

                            Women with tools of empowerment
                            “I think enhancing [women’s football] is also a great socio-economic tool to empower them and I want to work very hard on that and create professional leagues for women in Asia and hopefully get more places at the World Cup for women’s football.”Prince Ali Bin al-Hussein of Jordan, newly elected Asian Football Confederation vice president and FIFA Executive

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                              Qatari Gay Rights - A Twit Twitters

                              Sheikh's required reading
                              The Chairman of the Qatar 2022 World Cup Bid Committee, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Hamad Al Thani, last month let his twitter followers know in unambiguous terms what he thinks of people who object to the host country’s laws banning homosexuality.
                              “It’s interesting that all of a sudden everyone who was anti-qatar2022 is now a gay rights activist. Glass houses, anyone?” he

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                                Quote of the Day - Russia going totalitarian

                                Those dictatorship days ain't over
                                "It's becoming clear we are on the way back to the 1940s and a totalitarian state. How can one sit and watch quietly as it happens?" Marina Rozumovskaya, a Russian school teacher, quoted in The Washington Post while demonstrating in Moscow to prove her legal right to protest, and holding a sign that read "Freedom to political prisoners". 

                                Rozumovskaya was

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                                  Kaiser Steps Up To Protest Against Iran

                                  Kaiser Franz - political with a small 'p'
                                  FIFA Executive Committee member Franz Beckenbauer was one of 100 prominent Germans who signed an open letter to the Iranian government appealing for the release of two German journalists arrested in October for interviewing the son of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, who was sentenced to death by stoning for adultery.
                                  The Kaiser’s not exactly chaining

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                                    Educating Sepp Blatter

                                    FIFA President Sepp Blatter’s weekend interview with the Swiss Sonntagszeitung was headlined by his announcement that FIFA will form an “independent” anti-corruption committee. So, the world’s football governing body has decided to slap on a condom several hours after completing full sexual intercourse.

                                    Blatter - praying for enlightenment
                                    In classic FIFA fashion, this initiative comes not from

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